Health Benefits of Carrots

                 Health Benefits of Carrots

Carrots are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Evidence suggests that eating more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, can help reduce the risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Carrots contain beta-carotene. Past studies have concluded that beta-carotene supplementation may reduce the risk of lung cancer.
A meta-analysis published in 2008 found that people with a high intake of a variety of carotenoids had a 21 percent lower risk of lung cancer. Eating large quantities of carrots doesn't put you at risk of vitamin A overload because your body only converts beta carotene as needed. However, having large amounts of carotene in your blood can cause carotenemia, or yellowish discoloration of the skin.
carrots are high in beta-carotene, which then has to be converted to vitamin A in the body. ... Aim for one medium-sized raw carrot per day, and remember, don't cook it and don't juice it. You can just eat it whole and peeled—or try the simple carrot salad 
Health Benefits of Carrots

1.  Improves vision
There’s some truth in the old wisdom that carrots are good for your eyes. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to  necessary for night vision.
A study found that people who eat large amounts of beta-carotene had a 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little.

2.  Helps prevent cancer
Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.

Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed 1/3 lower cancer risk by carrot-eating rats.

3.  Slows down aging 
The high level of beta-carotene in carrots acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It help slows down the aging of cells.

4.  Promotes healthier skin 
Vitamin A and antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tone.

5.  Helps prevent infection 
Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent infection. They can be used on cuts—shredded raw or boiled and mashed.

6.  Promotes healthier skin (from the outside) 
Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here: carrot face mask.

7.  Prevents heart disease
Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein.

The regular consumption of carrots also reduces cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in carrots bind with bile acids.

8.  Cleanses the body 
Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fiber present in carrots helps clean out the colon and hasten waste movement.

9.  Protects teeth and gums
 Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which, being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.

10.  Prevents stroke
People who ate five or more carrots a week were less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less.