Papaya leaves juice benefits

Papaya fruit and papaya tree leaves are beneficial for DENGUE disease

Papaya leaves juice cure DENGUE IN ONE DAY

How to Prepare Papaya Leaf Juice at Home
Papaya Leaves and not use  Stems

Papaya leaves with the useful part cut away for juicing

It’s very important to remember that papaya leaf has to be RAW, which means no boiling, nor cooking. 
Both methods have been reported to work well, but the leaves must be fresh, and do not make tea out of them.
1. The Juice Method. For this method, it is recommended to extract the juice out of papaya leaves by crushing. After removing the stems and other fibrous parts you should crush the other part, the greener one. You can use a cloth filter or any other type of device to squeeze the juice out. However, remember that the leaves have to be fresh. If you don’t use raw fresh papaya leaves, the outcome might not be that good and the positive effect will be minimized. You need about two leaves for each treatment. Take two tablespoons of juice every six hours, three times a day and you will certainly feel better.
2. The second Method. You can use a food processor or a grinder to turn the leaves into a paste. However, because it is quite bitter, it is recommended to mix it with some fresh juice. Take four teaspoons twice a day. After three days to one week, you will see the difference.
Cure from papaya juice
Most patients who suffer of dengue see sign of improvement within 24 hours of starting the papaya leaf treatment, and many are totally cured within three days. Almost everyone recovers within a week, while patients that simply wait it out take two weeks or more to heal, while suffering far greater pain and discomfort.

It’s also important to understand that this dengue “cure” is not yet accepted as scientifically proven in most countries.