Foot massage enhance your health

         Foot massage or reflexology massage

Foot massage has been practiced in many cultures for centuries to promote health and well-being. Today, massage is considered a complementary and alternative medicine used by millions to relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, rehabilitate injuries and boost general health. The practice of foot reflexology massage involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet in order to affect various parts of the body. Whether you make time for self-massage after a long day or head to a spa for a session with a certified reflexologist, it won't just be your feet that reap the benefits.

The most obvious effect of reflexology massage is that of stress reduction. The techniques of reflexology include finger or thumb walking--where the reflexologist walks the finger or thumb over different areas of the feet in a set sequence--and massage and kneading of the foot using the whole hand. Reflexologists believe that that illness is caused by blockages in the meridians or energy channels. These blockages inhibit the flow of life enhancing energy, also known as ‘chi,’ 

Reflexology increases the flow of energy, increases the circulation and stimulates the digestive system.Reflexology is so relaxing, it is also very effective in pain relief, as tension is taken out of the body and stress reduced, so pain is also reduced.”
 Relaxation and alleviate anxiety 
Massaging the feet can alleviate anxiety and bring about a deep state of relaxation. One important point that is situated on both feet is the solar plexus reflex. The solar plexus is sort of a little warehouse where all your stress is stored. When the solar plexus point is pressed on, stress is released and the body is renewed.

Improved Circulation and Cleansing
The blood that circulates through the body is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrition to the body’s cells. The blood also cleanses waste and toxins from the body. Because blood flow becomes limited when stress is present, foot massage can be beneficial as it decreases stress and allows the circulation of blood to flow unimpeded.

Balance and Harmony
Homeostasis is when all the body’s systems are working in harmony with one another to bring about a state of balance. A foot massage can encourage homeostasis so that good health can be obtained.

Foot massage releases any blockages
Foot massage is restorative in that it gives the receiver energy. When the foot is rubbed and palpated, all the elements of a foot massage come together to bring energy to the body. According to theories of reflexology, foot massage releases any blockages that can hold back energy that should be flowing through the body freely.

Enhancement of Immunity
Stimulation of reflexes in the feet through massage is an action performed to bring about relaxation and healing. Relaxing the body through foot massage may prevent the harmful effects of stress from taking a toll on the body. A regular foot massage can offer protection against the many diseases that are associated with stress.