Cute babies

                              Cute babies
Babies may seem a bit helpless, incapable of taking care of themselves. But not many know that it’s an act. If we told you that babies know exactly what they are doing, you’d probably laugh at the screen right now. But, it’s true! Being adorable is not the only thing that your newborn has going for him. He also has an impressive set of qualities and skills. 

Most of the people presume that January sees the heaviest babies because of all the holiday eating, but that’s completely false. Researchers say that May babies are the heaviest. They usually weigh around 200 grams heavier than any other month born babies. The heaviest baby to be even born was a boy weighing 22 pounds and 8 ounces. He was born in Italy in 1955.

Newborn can hear as well as an adult. They startle at just about anything, not because it’s softer or louder, but because it’s new. He can recognize his mother’s voice from just one syllable. It activates an area of the brain associated with language process.

Babies use their sense of touch to explore what is around them, with the most sensitive touch receptors are in and around his mouth. The mouth area is the first to become sensitive, which is why they put everything in their mouth.