Health benefits of Ginger

Ginger as a useful herb
 Ginger is a vegetable  and herb. It is known as a health miracle. This vegetable use in our daily foods and also use for health benefits. Ginger is an under ground grown vegetable. We can get easily it from supermarkets. Dry ginger is also available in stores or supermarkets.   People use this herb  in foods and medicines. Most people take ginger tea. We can take ginger in many forms. Ginger is available in several other forms like ginger pickles, candies and crystallized. Fresh ginger can be store in refrigerator for up to three weeks. In the freezer, we can store it up to six months. Dry ginger powder should be kept in tightly sealed glass jars in cool ,dry and dark place.

Benefits of ginger

Ginger  has health miracle substance. It is anti inflammatory, antioxidants and anti tumor. It is very effective in gastro intestinal stress. Ginger is very useful to preventing the symptoms of motion, sickness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and cold sweating. Especially, it is useful in reducing the vomiting in pregnancy. It is anti inflammatory and reduce diabetes. The main benefit of ginger, it,s boost or improve brain activity. It increases memory and mental clarity. Ginger plays an effective role in protecting against oxide the stress and neurological disease.

Ginger has a long list of record healing benefits. It gives relief and comfort of arthritis related problems. Arthritis patients feel better  from pain and swelling by using ginger. Ginger gives relief our aging knees. We should use ginger regularly in our daily diet. We can take tea of ginger. Dry ginger used in panjeery( samolina and dry fruits combination) in winter. This cheap and ordinary herb has a treasure of health benefits.