Owls of this world

                     Owls of this wide world

Owls are considered a wisest creature  because of  their 60 millions years existence. The owl is a bird but not like other innocent birds, it,s a wild creature. In movies and dramas, owls are shown as a friendly and intelligent pets. No, owls are not good choice for pet at all. Can we keep one in regular cage and feed it seeds like a parrot. No,it is an imaginary thinking. Owls kill and eat others animals in order to survive . Owls are not fit as a pet but they are great creature. They come in many different sizes and shapes. Some are small and some are large in size. Although, there are 200 species of Owls in this existence world. Owls are found in many places or countries. We can found them all over the world. Owls are known as a hunters of nights. Owl,s favorite cuisine are small animals and insects. They hunt during the night and tend to prey on small creatures such as rats, mice and frogs. They even prey on small flying animals such as bat, squirrels and snakes. These animals are their favorite dishes.Some owls have horns and they are called horned owls.