Beware of HIV(aids)

HIV aids is a dangerous diseases. Be careful about it.Don't do multiple sex or contact infected people.

Having a sex is not crime but having it with multiple men/women can lead you to deadly stage. You all must be aware of  HIV(aids) terms that takes life of a person slowly slowly and gradually. You also must be aware of reasons of infections. Any uninfected person can be infected if  he/she contact of an infected person. Which is infected by HIV. So be careful about the contacts with others or strangers.
What is HIV?
HIV is a virus. Viruses infect the cells of living organisms and replicate (make new copies of themselves) within those cells. A virus can damage the cells it replicates in, which is one of the things that can make an infected creature become ill.

People can become infected with HIV from other people who already have it, and when they are infected they can then go on to infect other people. Basically, this is how HIV is spread.

HIV stands for the "Human Immunodeficiency Virus". Someone who is infected with HIV is said to be "HIV+" or "HIV positive".

 How is HIV passed on?
Read more about HIV transmission routes and transmission myths
HIV is found in the blood and the sexual fluids of an infected person, and in the breast milk of an infected woman. HIV transmission occurs when sufficient of these fluids get inside someone else’s body. There are various ways a person can become infected with HIV.

HIV myths
Around the world, there are a number of different myths about HIV and AIDS. Here are some of the more common ones:

"You would have to drink a bucket of infected saliva to become infected yourself"… Yuck! This is a typical myth. HIV is found in saliva, but in quantities too small to infect someone. If you drink a bucket of saliva from a positive person, you won’t become infected. There has been only one recorded case of HIV transmission via kissing, out of all the many millions of recorded cases. In this case, both partners had extremely badly bleeding gums.

"Sex with a virgin can cure HIV"… This myth is common in some parts of Africa, and it is totally untrue. The myth has resulted in many rapes of young girls and children by HIV+ men, who often infect their victims. Rape won’t cure anything – and is a serious crime all around the world.

"It only happens to gay men / black people / young people, etc"… This myth is false. Most people who become infected with HIV didn’t think it’d happen to them, and were wrong.

"HIV can pass through latex"… Some people have been spreading rumours that the virus is so small that it can pass through "holes" in latex used to make condoms. This is untrue. Latex blocks HIV, as well as sperm – preventing pregnancy, too.