Pistachio benefits

Pitachio is a beneficiary dry food

Pistachio has anti cancer properties
Pistachio has many benefits as a health point of view.Pistachios grow well under hot, dry summer and cool winters.Pistachios are rich source of energy.Pistachios are excellent sources of vitamin-E.Just a hand full of pistachios a day provides enough recommended levels of phenolic anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein.

Pistachios are delicious tree nuts.The health benefits of pistachio are(1) a healthy heart, (2)weight management(3) protection against diabetes and hypertension, and improved digestion. The vitamins, minerals, fats and protein found in pistachio.  
The nuts of pistachio are not seasonal and are available all year long.Pistachios are available  in various forms such as shelled, unshelled, sweetened or salted. Pistachios contain a lower calorie content of only 160 per one ounce.The fat content in pistachios is also the lowest compared to other nuts.
Main benefit of opistachio is , IT PREVENT CANCER. Taking pistachios on a regular basis is known to be effective in decreasing cancer risk.