Rabbit and turtle

Kid's story
This story is about rabbit and turtle challenge

One day a rabbit was boasting about  that how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. For many days' rabbit was making fun of turtle for his slow walking. One day, he was shocked when turtle challenge him to a race. Rabbit thought that it is a strange challenge or a good joke. He accepted turtle,s challenge. Burgundy tree was to be point of the race. As race began, the rabbit run as fast as he could, soon he was ahead of the turtle just like everyone thought.
 The rabbit got  to  the hay way point and could not see turtle anywhere. It was a sunny day and very hot weather. Rabbit decided to Stop and take  a short nap. He thought that ever if the  turtle passed him he would be able to run fast and will reached the challenge point soon.
 Turtle kept walking step by step. He thought that he will not stop until he reached at racing point. So, he was trying his best to win the race. In the way, he saw rabbit which was sleeping under the shadow of a tree.
Rabbit slept a little long than expected. When he woke up. It was evening time. He thought that I will be on racing point in a minute. Turtle was on the way . He can not reach there. Rabbit run fast and reach on point. He was very hopeful . When he reached near burgud (A kind of tree)  tree. Turtle was waiting him.he was in shock. Turtle came near him and said;;

                               " Always take rest after completing work"
                                  Lesson is;;

                                 "Slow and steady wins the race "
                                   ''NEVER QUIT''