TAMARIND,,imlee or emli

A beneficiary food or herb Imlee, Imli, Tamarind

Tamarind is a very large tree with long, heavy branches.Tamarind fruit contains certain health benefits. Tamarind tree is among the large tropical trees belonging to the family of Fabaceae. It is a most ancient food.Before it ripens, the flesh of the tamarind is green in color and has a sharp acidic taste. tamarind juice is used in various sea-food,vegetables and meat dishes.

Tamarinds are evergreen tropical trees.It’s better to purchase tamarind when it's fresh and still in the pod. Refrigeration is the best way to preserve the freshness for up to several months. Tamarind juice cocktail is served to cool the body temperature by several degrees. Tamarinds are available in stores worldwide.Tamarind juice can be gargled to relieve sore throats and throat infections.  

People take tamarind for constipation, liver and gallbladder problems, and stomach disorders. It is also used to treat colds and fever. Women sometimes use tamarind in pregnancy.Tamarind gives sour taste to food. It is  a powerful antioxidant. It is given to children to treat intestinal worms. One of the many benefits of tamarind if that it fights against vitamin C deficiency and helps in reducing fevers while fighting against cold infections.Tamarind regulate heart beats.

Tamarind contains ingredients that might have laxative effects and some activity against certain fungi and bacteria.ts pulp has been used in many traditional medicines as a laxative.Try adding tamarind fruit to your daily diet because of the many health benefits.It is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, fiber and vitamins. In many tropical countries, tamarind is blended with sugar and eaten as a sweet or a tangy snack.The ingredients in tamarind help in lowering blood cholesterol and promoting a healthy heart. 

 Tamarind has few side effects like other foods. Those who consume aspirin or ibuprofen regularly should be aware of tamarind’s side effects.