Wild ducks and domestic ducks, both are useful

Ducks are birds. They are also called waterfowls. They provide us with eggs and meat to eat.  They are  like  geese and swans.. Ducks are  birds that are smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.Ducks have a large number of species.
Ducks have webbed feet and they can swim. Ducks can not fly.Sea ducks are also divers.Some ducks do not dive for food. Duck's feet cannot feel cold even if it swims in icy cold water. The reason is that duck's  feet have no nerves or blood vessels. Ducks have water proof feathers. Water proof, fluffy and soft feathers  keep the duck warm.Ducks give a sound like quake but  all ducks can not quack.Ducks, like other animals, are useful to human beings.
Ducks were once wild. Now they are domestic animal or bird.  They are also excellent for egg and meat production. Ducks love the water. Ducks are found everywhere in the world. The duck's mouth is called a "bill".Some ducks have long and narrow beaks.However, ducks bills come in different shapes and sizes. They eat plants, seeds, grasses, small insects and animals.They can eat different foods.
A male duck is called a drake and the female duck is called a duck. The males ducks are usually the brightly colored  while the females ducks are usually  dull-colored. The Wood Duck  is an example of the colorful male.
 Females are busy hatching the eggs.Their eggs are delicious or yummy in taste. I ate a lot eggs of ducks in my childhood.
 The female lays 5-12 eggs. When there is more daylight, the ducks will lay more eggs. In the months of July to December when daylight is short, they slow down their production of eggs. The eggs will hatch within 28 days normally.The females also molt. They replace all their feathers, get new ones after their babies or ducklings are hatched.Most domestic ducks neglect their eggs and ducklings, and their eggs must be hatched under a broody hen or artificially.
Animals like the raccoon, turtles, hawks, large fish and snakes  eat the ducklings.The mother duck  keep her  ducklings together to protect them.Ducks are safe from all but a few  humans and the  falcon, which regularly uses its speed and strength to catch ducks. Wild ducks of various species are hunted for food or sport.