Banana and cinnamon tea for full night sleep

Desi remedy for full night sleep

You need a full night’s sleep. You’ll feel better, function better and prevent disease by getting, at least, eight hours of sleep each night. You do not want the side effects that sleeping pills offer, so what can you do? Enter banana cinnamon tea.

Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, but what most people do not know is that the banana peel has, even more, potassium and magnesium than the banana itself, and it is often thrown away as trash. Not anymore!

With this simple recipe, you can get the benefits of the potassium and magnesium in the banana peel. Potassium and magnesium are beneficial for the nervous system and are great for relaxing the muscles. In fact, magnesium is the most important mineral for muscle relaxation and can reduce muscle cramps along with other aches and pains.

Here’s the recipe:

1 organic banana (with peel)
1 small pot of water
A sprinkle of cinnamon (if you’d like)
Step 1: Simply cut off both ends of the banana (top and bottom) use banana with peel. 

Step 2: Put the banana into a pot of bowling water. If the water is spring water or purified in some way, even better!

Boil for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle some cinnamon into the water as well. If you’d like to add some stevia for sweetening, do so. Stevia helps to balance blood sugar levels, and will not spike blood sugar levels before bed.
(Leaves of the stevia plant are used to make a sugar substitute. ... Unlike other sugar substitutes, stevia is derived from a plant. ... Stevia has no calories, and it is 200 times sweeter than sugar in the same concentration.)

Step 3: Add more cinnamon if desired and enjoy!

As another option, you can also peel and eat a boiled banana with cinnamon sprinkled on it the next day if you’d like! (I’d recommend the next day because you do not want to put food in your gut to digest right before bedtime).
Sleeping pills are harmful
Sleeping pills have known side effects such as dizziness, constipation, stomach pain, difficulty focusing, memory problems and harm to the central nervous systemSleep is extremely important, and there’s no arguing that. When you are deprived of sleep, you lose out on what your body can do to function optimally. Your cognitive thinking skills are impaired, your motor skills decline, your energy drops, and you’re at even more risk for diseases and health conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cancer.