Benefits of the Strawberry

           Health benefits of straw berries

Nutritional Benefits of the Strawberry. The tiny strawberry is packed with vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and more. The heart-shaped silhouette of the strawberry is the first clue that this fruit is good for you. Although strawberries are good for you, eating a high amount can make you sick. Excessive amounts of vitamin C and A, for example, can cause side effects like diarrhea, gas and lethargy.Adding a high amount of fiber to your diet quickly can also lead to intestinal discomfort. But, it just like eating too much of any food too many strawberries can be bad for you- eating a balanced diet is the best, and some strawberries is good for you.

 Because of their delicious flavor and attractive appearance, strawberries are widely used in ice creams, mocktails, cakes, smoothies and other desserts. They’re a great source of fibre. Strawberries are high in fibre, which is important for moving food through your digestive system and helping bowel movements. This can help improve digestion, especially for those with constipation or irregular stools.Here are some benefits of strawberry.
1. Helps burn stored fat
The red coloring contains anthocyanins, which stimulate the burning of stored fat. When a group of animals was fed a high-fat diet along with anthocyanins, they gained 24 percent less weight than the animals eating the high-fat diet without added anthocyanins. (The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry)
2. Boost short term memory
The anthocyanins boost short term memory by 100 percent in eight weeks. (The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)
3. Low in Calories – High in Fiber
One cup contains only 54 calories.Like most fruits and vegetables, strawberries are typically very low in calories. Strawberries are a healthy food to eat to lose weight, because there are 49 calories in one cup of strawberries. They are also loaded with Vitamin C, 3 grams of fiber, and some calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Strawberries are rich sources of phenolic antioxidants that can help: ... aid in weight los
4. Ease Inflammation
Strawberries are low in calories, high in fiber, and they contain vitamins and minerals your body needs to function normally, including a lot of vitamin C. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and plenty of potential health benefits.
5. Lower cardiovascular disease
Flavonoids — which are responsible for the color and flavour of strawberries — lower the risk for heart disease.
6. Promote bone health
Strawberries contain potassium, vitamin K and magnesium which are important for bone health.
7. Prevent oesophageal cancer
Studies show freeze-dried strawberry powder may help prevent human oesophageal cancer.
8. Anti-aging properties
Strawberries are filled with biotin, which helps build strong hair and nails. They also contain the antioxidant ellagic acid, which protects the elastic fibers in our skin to prevent sagging.
9. Good for weight loss
The compound nitrate found promotes blood flow and oxygen in our body, which is great for weight loss.
10. Promote eye health

Eating three or more servings of fruit like strawberries may lower the risk of mascular degeneration, a condition resulting in vision loss.