
                          What is gastro?

Gastroenteritis is an infection, which is characterised by diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach cramps and fever. If untreated, dehydration is likely, and we can be out of action for days. It is highly contagious, and is spread by the vomit or faeces of an infected person. This can be via person-to-person contact, including shaking hands with someone who has been sick and has the virus on their hands. Touching contaminated objects, or consuming contaminated food or drink are other common ways it is spread.
Although infectious gastroenteritis usually resolves on its own, in some cases it can lead to severe consequences, chiefly through dehydration. The use of clean water and good sanitation practices are important for reducing rates of infectious gastroenteritis. 

We have a reasonably good understanding of the causes of infectious gastroenteritis and treatment. But there’s more we need to learn, especially when it comes to understanding how symptoms might persist over the long term.

When we’ve all experienced the abdominal cramps and the urge to get to a toilet – quickly! When the stomach and intestinal tract become inflamed, our bodies respond with the sudden onset of diarrhoea, associated nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramping and pain.

When should I see a doctor?

1.If you suspect that you are becoming dehydrated.

2.If you are being sick (vomiting) a lot and unable to keep fluids down.

3.If you have blood in your diarrhoea or vomit.

4.If you have severe tummy (abdominal) pain.

5.If you have severe symptoms, or if you feel that your condition is getting worse.

6.If you have a persisting high temperature (fever).

7.If your symptoms are not settling – for example, vomiting for more than 1-2 days, or if you have diarrhoea that continues for more than several days, you may need to see your doctor to send a sample of the diarrhoea to check for certain bacteria or infections.

8.If close contacts have been diagnosed with a more severe cause of gastro (e.g salmonella, campylobacter  or shigella) and you then develop symptoms
9.If you are elderly or have an underlying health problem such as diabetes, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease or kidney disease.
10.If you have a weakened immune system