cure of cellulite

What is cellulite and how can we reduce it

Cellulite is a condition in which the skin has a dimpled, lumpy appearance. Cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin.Women develop cellulite more often than men do, although it can definitely affect both sexes. 
Cellulite tends to get worse as we age. you can have it whether you're heavy or thin. It shows up less on darker skin. Numerous treatments available, but the effect is mostly temporary.
A diet low in fat, smoking cessation, and an active lifestyle may help reduce the incidence cellulite.Cellulite is more prevalent in people who have excess fat, but slim and fit people can have it too. It is more likely to happen after the age of 25 years, but it can affect younger people as well, including teenagers.
There are 3 grades of cellulite
Grade 1, or mild 
Grade 2, or moderate 
Grade 3, or severe

Some things that can bring it on:

1;Poor diet
2;Slow metabolism
3;Lack of physical activity
4;Hormone changes
6;Total body fat

Main factors

Hormones also seem to play a role in the appearance of cellulite.  There are many  ways to get rid of cellulite.  Exercises that can help get rid of cellulite. 

Cigarette smoke has been shown to reduce blood vessel flow and to weaken and disrupt the formation of collagen, allowing for the connective tissue to become stretched and damaged more easily and for underlying fat to show through. Smoking can make you look bad in lots of other ways, as well: It causes premature wrinkles and aging, leave skin dry and discolored and can contribute to stretch marks.

Overweight does make the appearance of cellulite more noticeable.  The more fat you have underneath your skin, the more it's likely to put stress on your connective tissue and bulge out of its weak spots. But cellulite also happens to women of all shapes and sizes. 

Some suggestions to cure cellulite

A regular exercise practice cannot cure cellulite.But in many cases it can help prevent or reduce its appearance. Cellulite occurs when connective fibers underneath the skin become weak or lose their elasticity, but stretching and strengthening those areas  can help. "Firming and toning those muscles will in turn tighten the skin.

Running or other forms of cardio can help keep weight off, which may reduce the appearance of dimples and dents. But to really smooth out your skin.

Creams and oil massage
There is limited evidence that creams or scrubs with stimulant ingredients, like caffeine, ginger, and green or black tea, may also help by improving circulation and breaking down fat-cell stores, but they are less proven. "Mostly I think if these topical creams work.  I think most probably do little or nothing. These creams  or oils  are more likely to help with slimming and body contouring, which is not the same as cellulite.

Certain foods can help fight cellulite
Your diet alone can't determine whether you will or will not get cellulite, but eating a well-balanced, plant-heavy diet can reduce inflammation throughout your body and help you maintain a healthy weight. By drinking water and by eating plenty of foods with high water content. These watery foods will also keep your connective tissue strong and supple, and may even help you slim down. Aim to eat more cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, and bell peppers, which (along with many other fruits and veggies) are all more than 90% water.
Wear tight clothes
wearing compression-style leggings while you exercise can reduce thigh jiggle as you move.Wearing underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks can limit blood flow, and this may contribute to the formation of cellulite. But it's only a temporary effect.
Laser treatment 
Laser treatment may improve the appearance of cellulite for a year or more. It involves inserting a very small laser probe under the skin.

The laser is then fired, breaking up the tissue. This can also thicken the skin by increasing collagen production. The thickened skin may reduce the appearance of the cellulite below.