Artificial turf

Artificial turf or artificial grass
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Some  property owners are so desperate for the appearance of a healthy, green lawn that they are turning to artificial, plastic grass.
There are a number of advantages and disadvantages with artificial grass.

Artificial turf will give you up to 20 years of maintenance-free life depending on the volume of traffic in the area. Low maintenance costs – Although the initial cost is high, experts say that upkeep is cheaper. 
Increased playing ability – Fields with artificial turf are somewhat more durable than those with natural grass.Few injuries – Durable playing surfaces will mean there will be fewer injuries.Artificial grass can be a better solution when the environment is hostile to natural grass. Easy maintenance; artificial grass can be vacuumed, swept with a broom or hosed over with water. Suitable for roof gardens and swimming pool surrounds; areas that get wet with rain,
Some commercial artificial grasses allow for the inclusion of fiber-optic fiber into the grass.  Fields with artificial turf are somewhat more durable than those with natural grass. Due to the fact that playing ability is much higher, they allow broader access. They can actually be played on all the time.
Almost 50,000 gallons of water every week is consumed by watering an average natural grass playing field during the growing season. This amount of water can be used for other purposes. Artificial turf  gives durable playing surfaces will mean there will be fewer injuries. Unlike grass which gets town by rough play that can turn into vast patches of slippery mud, installing fake turf is safer.

 Artificial grass eliminates the use of harmful pesticides, fertilisers, herbicides and fungicides. At the same time As Good As Grass requires no mowing, fertilising, reseeding or watering. Thus far the use of As Good As Grass has saved millions of litters of tap water. Artificial grass needs very little maintenance and can free up a lot of time.  Artificial grass needs very little maintenance and can free up a lot of time. 

Artificial  grass comes with its own set of problems. Artificial grass is often touted for hot climates with low rainfall where grass struggles to grow without lots of watering. It may be too hot to play on field with this kind of turf during extreme warm weather conditions. However, proponents say that the use of these fields can be managed to make sure that athletes won’t play at the hottest times of the day and are hydrated adequately.

Real grass has a cooling effect when the air temperature is high. Artificial grass lacks this cooling quality. The grass itself may become hotter than the air and can make the surrounding air feel hotter. Your synthetic grass still requires care to keep it looking attractive. You need to sweep or spray the grass to remove debris that falls onto the surface. You will need to clean up any messes that could potentially be a health hazard. Modern artificial grass are more permanent installations and are not as easily removed. 

Medical experts discovered that there are certain bacteria that can survive on polyethylene plastic, a compound that is used to make synthetic turf for about 90 days. Be aware also that sweat, blood, skin cells, and other materials can stay on this kind of turf due to the fact that the fields are not cleaned or even washed. 

summary;;;Being aware of such will help you decide if this is a wise option for you  or not.

Cabbage family...Brassica oleracea

Brassica oleracea
Group of cabbages


Cauliflower is very low in calories yet high in vitamins. In fact, cauliflower contains some of almost every vitamin and mineral that you need. Consuming enough fiber may help prevent digestive conditions like constipation, diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Fiber may also play a role in obesity prevention, due to its ability to promote fullness and reduce overall calorie intake.

This versatile veggie is delicious in many ways beyond steaming. Try roasting florets or “steaks” of cauliflower to release its pleasant flavor. When pureed, it’s a great substitute to cream sauce. Other creative cauliflower options? Mash into a pizza crust, grate into a substitute for rice or pickle for a low-calorie salty, crunchy snack.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.They’re also high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps promote iron absorption and is involved in tissue repair and immune function. Brussels sprouts have many health benefits, but their impressive antioxidant content stands out.
Antioxidants are compounds that reduce oxidative stress in your cells and help lower your risk of chronic disease. Eating Brussels sprouts as part of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help supply the antioxidants your body needs to promote good health.

Brussels sprouts practically beg to be in the oven. For a melt-in-your-mouth side, roast and toss with something sweet, such as dried fruit or maple syrup, as well as something savory — anything from Parmesan cheese to sliced olives.

Kale is a popular vegetable and a member of the cabbage family. Kale is loaded with all sorts of beneficial compounds, some of which have powerful medicinal properties. Kale contains very little fat, but a large portion of the fat in it is an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha linolenic-acid. Five Ways to Eat: Kale
Raw, in a salad – Kale doesn't need to be cooked to be enjoyed. 
Cooked and boiled – Kale is a seriously tough green, and while it can be great in raw salads, sometime we like it soft and silky. 
In a soup – Kale's sturdy texture makes it the perfect green to throw into a pot of soup.
The almighty kale is a wonderful green for salads. Remove the tough stem, slice into thin ribbons and toss with toppings, dressing and all. Best of all, this hearty green will not wilt for days, making it a great option for packing ahead. To balance the bitter bite, pair it with something sweet such as roasted carrots, diced apple or dried fruit. Kale also is a great addition to smoothies and can even be baked into crisp chips.


Arugula or rocket is an  annual plant in the family Brassicaceae. iT IS  used as a leaf vegetable for its fresh, tart, bitter, and peppery flavor. Arugula is composed of 90 percent water. That’s why it’s a perfect hydrating and cooling food in the summer. Vitamin K is needed for bone health; it is needed for the absorption of calcium into the bones and teeth. Half cup of arugula contains 10.9 micrograms of vitamin K. Three cups of arugula daily will supply you with 100 percent of your bodies need of vitamin K. It also contains eight times more calcium than iceberg lettuce. 
Arugula is one of the easiest greens to grow in your garden or in a planter. Enjoy this spicy leaf pureed into a pesto with a kick, tossed onto whole-wheat pizza once it emerges from the oven or used in a variety of tossed salads. For a classic combination try fresh arugula paired with feta cheese, cubed watermelon and a balsamic dressing.
Arugula in your diet can benefit you with so many nutrients. The extra benefit is that two cups contain only 80 calories, making it a good choice for those on a diet. It  is a best choice for weight loss diet.

Eating arugula raw will likely provide your body with more of the healthy isothiocyanates than eating cooked arugula. However, by eating lightly cooked arugula, your body will absorb more of certain nutrients and carotenoids than when it is raw.


It comes in a variety of shapes and colors, including red, purple, white and green, and its leaves can be either crinkled or smooth. This vegetable has been grown around the world for thousands of years and can be found in a variety of dishes, including sauerkraut, kimchi and coleslaw. Cabbage also contains small amounts of other micronutrients, including vitamin A, iron and riboflavin. 
 cabbage is high in fiber and contains powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols and sulfur compounds.Antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that have an odd number of electrons, making them unstable. When their levels become too high, they can damage your cells.

Cabbages are prepared many different ways for eating; they can be pickled, fermented  for dishes such as  steamed, stewed, sautéed, braised, or eaten raw. Cabbage is a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C and dietary fiber. 
Cabbage appears in a wealth of different varieties, and is in fact part of a bigger family known as brassicas that extends to cauliflower and kale. Easily available varieties are red, Savoy, spring and white.

Red cabbage has firm, tightly packed and shiny purple leaves
White cabbage has a similar texture to red cabbage but has very pale leaves and a sweeter flavour
The leaves of the Savoy cabbage are crinkled and wavy and get lighter towards the middle
Spring cabbage has softer leaves and form more of a point instead of a round shape

All are extremely versatile; they can be served raw in salads like coleslaws. 

cure of cellulite

What is cellulite and how can we reduce it

Cellulite is a condition in which the skin has a dimpled, lumpy appearance. Cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin.Women develop cellulite more often than men do, although it can definitely affect both sexes. 
Cellulite tends to get worse as we age. you can have it whether you're heavy or thin. It shows up less on darker skin. Numerous treatments available, but the effect is mostly temporary.
A diet low in fat, smoking cessation, and an active lifestyle may help reduce the incidence cellulite.Cellulite is more prevalent in people who have excess fat, but slim and fit people can have it too. It is more likely to happen after the age of 25 years, but it can affect younger people as well, including teenagers.
There are 3 grades of cellulite
Grade 1, or mild 
Grade 2, or moderate 
Grade 3, or severe

Some things that can bring it on:

1;Poor diet
2;Slow metabolism
3;Lack of physical activity
4;Hormone changes
6;Total body fat

Main factors

Hormones also seem to play a role in the appearance of cellulite.  There are many  ways to get rid of cellulite.  Exercises that can help get rid of cellulite. 

Cigarette smoke has been shown to reduce blood vessel flow and to weaken and disrupt the formation of collagen, allowing for the connective tissue to become stretched and damaged more easily and for underlying fat to show through. Smoking can make you look bad in lots of other ways, as well: It causes premature wrinkles and aging, leave skin dry and discolored and can contribute to stretch marks.

Overweight does make the appearance of cellulite more noticeable.  The more fat you have underneath your skin, the more it's likely to put stress on your connective tissue and bulge out of its weak spots. But cellulite also happens to women of all shapes and sizes. 

Some suggestions to cure cellulite

A regular exercise practice cannot cure cellulite.But in many cases it can help prevent or reduce its appearance. Cellulite occurs when connective fibers underneath the skin become weak or lose their elasticity, but stretching and strengthening those areas  can help. "Firming and toning those muscles will in turn tighten the skin.

Running or other forms of cardio can help keep weight off, which may reduce the appearance of dimples and dents. But to really smooth out your skin.

Creams and oil massage
There is limited evidence that creams or scrubs with stimulant ingredients, like caffeine, ginger, and green or black tea, may also help by improving circulation and breaking down fat-cell stores, but they are less proven. "Mostly I think if these topical creams work.  I think most probably do little or nothing. These creams  or oils  are more likely to help with slimming and body contouring, which is not the same as cellulite.

Certain foods can help fight cellulite
Your diet alone can't determine whether you will or will not get cellulite, but eating a well-balanced, plant-heavy diet can reduce inflammation throughout your body and help you maintain a healthy weight. By drinking water and by eating plenty of foods with high water content. These watery foods will also keep your connective tissue strong and supple, and may even help you slim down. Aim to eat more cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, and bell peppers, which (along with many other fruits and veggies) are all more than 90% water.
Wear tight clothes
wearing compression-style leggings while you exercise can reduce thigh jiggle as you move.Wearing underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks can limit blood flow, and this may contribute to the formation of cellulite. But it's only a temporary effect.
Laser treatment 
Laser treatment may improve the appearance of cellulite for a year or more. It involves inserting a very small laser probe under the skin.

The laser is then fired, breaking up the tissue. This can also thicken the skin by increasing collagen production. The thickened skin may reduce the appearance of the cellulite below.

Mouth sores

Mouth sores

Mouth sores are common ailments that affect many people at some point in their lives. ... Mouth sores, which include canker sores, are usually a minor irritation and last only a week or two. In some cases, however, they can indicate mouth cancer or an infection from a virus. om people call i canker sore.

What are canker sores?
Canker sores (aphthous ulcers or aphthous stomatitis) are small, painful ulcers inside the mouth. They may occur on the tongue and on the inside linings of the cheeks, lips, and throat. They usually appear white, gray, or yellow in color, with a red border.

What causes canker sores?
The cause of most canker sores is not well understood, and multiple factors may cause sores to appear. Some possible causes of canker sores include the following:

Injury to the mouth may cause simple canker sores. Injury could be from vigorous tooth brushing, dental work, braces or dentures, or a sports accident.
Acidic foods, including citrus fruits, may trigger a canker sore or make it worse.

How do I treat mouth sores?
These include:
using a rinse of saltwater and baking soda.
placing milk of magnesia on the mouth ulcer.
covering mouth ulcers with baking soda paste.
using over-the-counter benzocaine (topical anesthetic) products like Orajel or Anbesol.
applying ice to canker sores.

No one knows what causes these small, painful blisters inside your mouth. Triggers include hypersensitivity, infection, hormones, stress, and not getting enough of some vitamins. Also called aphthous ulcers, canker sores can show up on the tongue, cheek, even your gums. They usually last a week or two. 
Other causes of mout sore  include infection, dehydration, poor mouth care, oxygen therapy, excessive use of alcohol and/or tobacco, and lack of protein in the diet. ... Sores in the mouth or on the gums or tongue. Soreness or pain in the mouth or throat. Difficulty swallowing or talking.