Colorful bird and cages

Colorful bird and wooden cage
There are estimated to be 10,000 species of birds in the world and nature has blessed some with the most incredible, colorful birds.... Birds are, hands down, the most colorful terrestrial vertebrates -- only insects and coral reef fishes rival them among animals. ... Countershading tends to eliminate a sharply defined shadow, since the bird absorbs the most light above, where the light is brightest, and reflects the most light below, .  Birds in a dream are a positive sign. They can symbolize your career and social side of your life. A woman dreaming of a bird can mean you are either happy in your relationship or you will meet your soul mate soon. A colorful, beautiful bird in a dream signifies you will marry the right person. You will have a long happy life together. Birds missing their feathers can signify you will have someone who considers them better off than you attempt to dominate your life.
A cage is an enclosure often made of mesh, bars or wires, used to confine, contain or protect something or someone. A cage can serve many purposes, including keeping an animal in captivity, capturing, and being used for display of an animal at a zoo. The most important item needed before your feathered friend is brought home is a cage. Remember, even birds that come out of the cage to socialize spend a large part of the day in their cage. Bigger is better as long as the spacing between the bars is narrow enough to prevent injury if the bird tries to escape