Hen family

Hen's    family

Chickens are Earth’s most common birds. There are about seven chickens for every person living in the world! People have raised chickens for thousands of years for their meat and eggs.

Each chicken started its life by hatching from an egg. Chicks grow and change over time, becoming chickens and having babies of their own. The different stages of life that an animal passes through are called its life cycle. A chicken’s life cycle begins even before it hatches. Let’s learn more about the life cycle of a chicken!

 After 21 days of growing, the chick begins to peck at the inside of its shell using its egg tooth. This is called pipping. Soon, it breaks a hole in the shell. The chick takes a breath of fresh air and relaxes for a few hours. Then, it starts to turn its head and peck at the rest of the shell. 

After the chicks hatch, the mother hen keeps them safe. She gathers them under her wing to keep them warm. She teaches them how to drink water and how to find food.

When they are six months old, the chicks become adults. By this time, adult feathers have replaced their fluffy down.

Chickens may live for five to ten years.