What is constipation? It is a hard, dry and painful stool

What is Constipation?A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened faces. You have severe pain with bowel movements. Almost everyone has it at some point in life.It's not serious. Still, you'll feel much better when your system is back on track. Your constipation has lasted more than two weeks.CONSTIPATION causes, a low fiber diet, repeatedly ignoring the urge to go, not drinking enough water, or a lack of exercise.Constipation treatments don't always have to involve drugs. Learn about more natural alternatives.if your stool is hard, dry, or painful, you're probably experiencing a bout of constipation.

some people experience chronic constipation that can interfere with their ability to go about their daily tasks.A  natural diet helps relieve and prevent constipation.Start off the day with a high-fibre bran cereal.Prunes are one of the oldest home remedies for constipation.There are several home remedies help us in this painful condition. 

Olive oil,Pure olive oil is more than just a healthy and tasty fat, it can also help relieve constipation.
Lemon juice,The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a stimulant for your digestive system.
Flax seed, Flax seed oil is a pretty simple home remedy for constipation. 
Orange juice, orange juice with pulp.
Aloe vera,2 tablespoons of pure aloe gel or 1 cup of aloe vera juice.
Baking soda,Baking soda does it all, 1 teaspoon baking soda and a 1/4 cup warm water.  Drink all of the mixture-the quicker you finish it, the better it seems to work.
Prunes, One of the most classic cure for constipation is prunes or prune juice.Drink one glass of prune juice in the morning and one at night to relieve constipation.
Yoghurt, Eat a cup of yogurt with breakfast, and then on its own or with snacks throughout the day.
Castor oil,. Swallow one to two teaspoons quickly on an empty stomach and give it eight hours to work its magic.You can take castor oil in hot milk.Take one glass hot milk and add one or two spoon castor oil, mix it and drink before going to bed. 
Sometime ,if you feel sever pain you should go to doctor. Medicine is must in some conditions.