
              Chocolate is a beneficiary food

Dark chocolate  has many health benefits. Just don't go overboard'chocolate is healthy but still contains sugar and fat.Which are bad for our health.So take a very little amount of chocolate.
Chocolate has some antioxidant content.Chocolate contains a large number of calories.The high sugar content in chocolate can lead to tooth decay.Some experts sat that chocolate consumption has been associated with acne, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and diabetes.But  recent discovery of biologically  has changed this perception, now people say that chocolate is beneficiary food and its effects in aging, oxidative stress, blood pressure regulation. Today, chocolate is lauded for its tremendous antioxidant potential.
Dark Chocolate is Very Nutritious.Most of us like this brown food.The flavoured dark chocolate can protect the skin against sun damageand it is  still slap on some sun cream. Now chocolate is reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.
Dark Chocolate is a Powerful Source of Antioxidants.The researchers said that hot chocolate can help preserve blood flow in working areas of the brain.As different areas of the brain need more energy to complete their tasks, they also need greater blood flow.The studies results indicate that regular consumption of chocolate bars containing PS and CF as part of a low-fat diet may support cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure.
Dark Chocolate May Improve Blood Flow and Lower Blood Pressure.And it prevent memory decline in older people.
Dark Chocolate Raises HDL and Protects LDL Against Oxidation.Chocolate consumption lowers the risk of suffering a stroke.
Some studies have suggested chocolate could lower cholesterol levels and prevent memory decline.
Chocolate also help us in weight loss.A small amount of chocolate consuption before meal triggers the hormones in the brain that say “I am full”.Dark chocolate  might delay or prevent the  diabetes.chocolate reduced stress and it is very good for mothers and babies.
Chocolates use in many foods like cookies, milk, cakes and many other foods.