Benefits of kulfa or purslane leaves

There are different types of purslane including the common purslane (kulfa) and Golden Purslane. Kulfa or   purslane are cultivated as a vegetable and a medicinal herb.Kulfa saag or leaves are called kulfa falooda but it's popular name is kulfa..It has small  flowers on top or small fruit with black seeds. Kulfa is widely grown in many Asian and European regions as a staple leafy vegetable. These leaves are full of vitamins including vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, and vitamins C and E and also contains Omega-3 fatty acids.Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the skin and help to prevent the ravages of the aging process. This makes purslane ideal for vegetarians.   In Pakistan we eat purslane or Kulfa or Kulfa falooda in saags with methi (fenugreek leaves) and spinach.People cook these leaves or saag  in minced and goat meat. Kulfa in lamb meat is very popular dish in muslims. It is very delicious dish. Kulfa is a helpful herb or vegetable for many diseases.

 Kulfa juice is also very helpful for our health.Juice can be extracted from the leaves and stems and used in some medicines like  rose oil as a mouthwash. The juice has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.It is currently used in men’s skin care preparations to soothe razor burn. This green leafy vegetable that is also a weed and rich in omega-3-fats and vitamins. Kulfa saag is an effective diet which helpful in urine passing difficulty.The juice of it's stem are applied on burning hands and feet.
All green leafy vegetables are beneficiary and very helpful for human beings.