Mother Teresa

        Mother Teresa, the mother of nations

If we pray, we will believe; If we believe, we will love; If we love, we will serve.

Mother Teresa , the mother of world.Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun.She worked for needy people all over the world.She devoted her life for poor and needy people. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Mother Teresa  devoted her life to serving the poor.Mother won many world awards.Mother Teresa was honored by both government and civilian orgnisations. Here are her some main awards names;; (1)The first Pope John XXIII Peace Prize(1971)...(2)Kennedy Prize (1971)...(3)The Nehru Prize –“for promotion of international peace and understanding”(1972)...(4)Albert Schweitzer International Prize (1975)...(5)The Nobel Peace Prize (1979)...(6)States Presidential Medal of Freedom (1985)...(7)Congressional Gold Medal (1994)...(8)Honorary citizenship of the United States (November 16, 1996). Blessed Mother Teresa will be named a saint of the Catholic Church.

Mother Teresa was born, 1910, in Skopje, capital of the Republic of Macedonia. At the age of 18 she was given permission to join a group of nuns in Ireland. For many years, Mother Teresa and a small band of fellow nuns survived on minimal income and food, often having to beg for funds.In 1952, she opened her first home for the dying, which allowed people to die with dignity.“The Missionaries of Charity”The primary objective of this mission was to look after needy and poor people. Mother Teresa expanded the work of the Missionaries of Charity both within Calcutta and throughout India. 
Over time the work grew. Missions were started overseas, and by 2013, there are 700 missions operating in over 130 countries.The Missionaries of Charity now has branches throughout the world including branches in the developed world.In 1965, the Society became an International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI.
In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress.She worked for  homeless and people affected with AIDS.She had a very firm Catholic faith and took a strict line on abortion, the death penalty and divorce.
In later years, she was more active in western developed countries. She commented that though the west was materially prosperous, there was often a spiritual poverty.During her last few years, she met Princess Diana in the Bronx, New York. The two died within a week of each other.
Over the last two decades of her life, Mother Teresa suffered various health problems but nothing could dissuade her from fulfilling her mission of serving the poor and needy.Until her very last illness she was active in travelling around the world.
Finally, on September 5, 1997, after finishing her dinner and prayers, her weakened heart gave her back to the God.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless