Ostriches are largest animals

  Ostrich is a largest animal of the world

Ostrich is the world’s largest and heaviest bird.The flightless ostrich is the largest bird. Though they cannot fly but they are  are fleet, strong runners.Their legs can also be formidable weapons. Ostrich kicks can kill a human or a potential predator like a lion.Ostriches live in small herds. Each ostrich has two-toed foot and a long sharp claw.. They can sprint up to 43 miles (70 kilometers) an hour and run over distance at 31 miles (50 kilometers) an hour. At the approach of trouble, ostriches will lie low and press their long necks to the ground in an attempt to become less visible.
Ostriches are omnivores, which means they eat both vegetation and meat. Ostriches  eat plants, roots, and seeds.They can eat insects like snakes, lizards, and rodents.Ostriches will eat whatever is available.Because ostriches have this ability to grind food, they can eat things that other animals cannot digest.

 When ostriches run although their powerful, long legs can be formidable weapons. Ostriches’ wings reach a span of about 2 metre. Unlike other birds, who have three or four toes, ostriches have only two toes on each foot which allows for greater speed.Ostriches live around 40 years. Some people say that  ostriches can live 50 to 75 years. Ostrich eggs are the largest in the world.Ostriches fight with their feet and their A solid kick can kill a lion.

Ostriches meat which is marketed commercially and its skin is used for leather products.In some
African countries, people race each other on the back of ostriches with special saddles, reins, and bits.Ostriches can go without drinking for several days.Usually, they get enough moisture from the plants they eat.they do drink if they come across a watering hole.The ostrich has the largest eye of any land animal, measuring almost 5 cm. Lacking teeth, ostriches swallow pebbles to grind their food and an adult ostrich carries about 1 kg of stones in its stomach.The wild ostrich population has declined drastically in the last 200 years.In the 18th century, ostrich feathers were so popular in ladies as a  fashion.

Ostriches generally live together in groups of about ten. The female ostrich laid largest eggs, which are larger of 15 centimeter long of any living bird   and weighing as much as two dozen chicken eggs. Eggs are laid in a communal nest called a dump nest,
which can hold about 60 eggs at one time. each female can determine her own eggs amongst others. The eggs are incubated by the dominant female by day and by the male by night.When the eggs hatch after 35 to 45 days, the male usually defends the hatchings and teaches them to feed.
Each egg,s  weighs is 1.5 kg.The chicks are born about the size of a chicken and grow 30 cm (1 ft.) each month! By six months, the young ostriches have grown nearly as tall as their parents.
The ostrich is the only bird that has two toes on each foot. All other birds have three or four toes.