Amazing benefits of Guava leaves

             Amazing benefits of Guava leaves

Guava is  usually considered  a fruit good for anything besides taste. However, the fruit has managed to showcase its amazing health benefits, especially when it comes to skin treatment.

The guava leaves are just as amazing as the fruit itself. You can eat guava fruit to maintain your body and well-being and use the leaves for beautiful glowing skin. 

Guava leaves contain high levels of Vitamin C and iron. Guava leaves is very helpful in relieving cough and cold as it helps get rid of mucus. In order to reap the full benefits that guava has to offer, all you need to do is boil a handful of guava leaves in a liter of water for about 20 minutes. ... When the water is at room temperature, apply it onto your hair from roots to tip, and then massaging into your scalp and hair root.

Guava leaves tea
The Health Benefits of Guava Leaf Tea. The young leaves of the guava plant are used in traditional medicine in tropical countries. These leaves contain a number of beneficial substances, including antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids such as quercetin.

Guava leaf tea may help to inhibit a variety of diarrhea-causing bacteria. People with diarrhea who drink this type of tea may experience fewer stools, less abdominal pain, less watery stools and a quicker recovery
The leaves of guava are better than the fruit. The guava leaves contain antioxidant properties that are effective in removing any free radicals that exist in our system, thereby preventing premature aging.
The anti-bacterial quality of the leaves makes it difficult for any germs to enter your skin and cause acne. Additionally, the skin becomes smooth with regular application thereby making the pimples disappear gradually. 

To use them effectively, mash the leaves and put some on your acne and dark spots. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. You should try and apply this remedy daily to see best results.
To remove black heads
If you want to get rid of your blackheads, all you have to do is blend some guava leaves with distilled water, then apply it as a scrub on the area around your nose and T-zone, where most blackheads tend to arise. Follow this treatment twice per week for best results.

Another great use of guava leaves is their ability to reduce the redness and irritation often caused by a topic dermatitis . The leaves contain compounds that block allergies 
Guave dried leaves benefits
 a simple remedy of guava leaves will work like magic. All you need are a handful of dried guava leaves, which you can add to a pot of boiling water. Once the water turns light brown, you can remove the pot from the stove and cool it down as it gets more concentrated. Once the water is ready, apply the liquid all over the face or just the area that is affected by the allergy. Use a cotton pad for application. Wait for fifteen minutes, then rinse your skin with clear water. The allergic reaction will disappear, especially if you repeat this procedure twice every week.