Radish leaves

          Benefits of White  Radish leaves

Radishes are a root vegetable. However, most people don’t know that radish leaves (also referred to as radish greens) are not only edible but that they are nutritious. 
They are a good source of minerals (like – calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, sodium, manganese, magnesium), vitamins (such as – thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, C, K, E), protein, and dietary fiber.
100g of radish greens has 4g of fiber.  dietary fibers reduce the glycemic impact of foods when substituted for high-glycemic flours and sugars in food formulations. 
It contains high levels of sulforaphane which has been shown to have antimicrobial properties as well as it kills cancer stem cells, slowing tumor growth.
100g of radish greens has 2,2g of protein. One of the main benefits of protein is its important role in metabolism and hunger. Adults should get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day, according to the Institute of Medicine.
100g of radish green has 53mg of vitamin C.
Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, a protein that’s necessary for healthy cartilage, skin, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels.
100g of radish greens contains 52 mg of phosphorus. Additionally, gum problems and tooth decay are also frequent causes of phosphorus deficiency. Hence, to maintain good oral health, make sure that you’re eating foods containing this mineral.
100g of radish green has 400mg of potassium. human body needs a high potassium diet during adolescence and pregnancy, when muscles and bones are developing. As a conclusion, this mineral is essential in building strong muscles and bones as well as it may help prevent osteoporosis.
100 g of radish greens contains 0,3 mg of zinc. A deficiency of this mineral in women can lead to low birth weight, premature births, growth retardation, delivery problems, toxemia, and spontaneous abortion.
100g of these leaves has 260 mg of calcium.About 99% of the calcium in the human body is held in the teeth and bones with the remaining 1% circulating in the bloodstream. Calcium is required for bodily functions like muscle contractions and blood clotting and for the formation of bones. It is also the most common mineral found in the human body.  it prevents weight gain since it burns fats and stores lesser quantities of fat.