Greedy people kid's story

Greed has no benefit, it gives us grief and harm

Once upon a time, there was a man and his wife in a village. They were poor and sometimes they were hand to mouth. They had a goose, who laid Eggs of gold. Everyday, this goose laid one golden egg. The man sold this egg in gold market. He got enough money to fulfill his family's  needs. Now, he has no worry about money.

But greed got the best of him and his wife, they wanted to get richer so faster. One day his wife suggested an idea to her husband and said "Just think, if we could have all the golden eggs at a time that are inside the goose, we can get richer much faster." The husband agreed with his wife and said " then we wouldn't have to wait foe the goose to lay egg everyday."

So the couple killed the goose and cut her open, only to find that she was just like every other goose. There were no golden eggs inside her at all. They both regretted their decision they  had no golden egg now.
The moral lesson;;

                     "Greed is a curse, it gives grief"